Carpet Cleaning West Hollywood
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Applicable cleaning tips for your kind of carpet. Get the chance to enrich your knowledge about ways to keep carpets fresh, well cleaned and protected from floods.

How to protect rugs from floods

The problem would be worst if the waters are dirty. In this case, specialists at Carpet Cleaning West Hollywood suggest thorough rug cleaning first. Try using the dish liquid but don't forget to brush piles with vinegar. It would be great for odor removal. The whole procedure must take place in the yard, balcony or open space, where you would need to let the rug dry well.

Frequency of carpet vacuuming

Most carpets must be vacuumed once a week. It would depend on foot traffic and whether you have pets. In this case, you should vacuum them two or three times a week. Good carpet cleaning is required to remove pet hair and dirt. Be careful with handmade rugs. Silk rugs are sensitive and it would be better if rug cleaning would be carried out with a brush.

Homemade solution for smelly stains

Did you know that you can use warm water and vinegar to get rid of smelly stains on your carpet? Long-time carpet cleaners in West Hollywood say that you need to mix equal parts of warm water and vinegar. Don’t directly pour the solution on the stain, though.

Invest in wool rugs

Handmade rugs are great investments but don't forget that we purchase them to warm up our places. So, investing in wool rugs is an excellent idea. They're usually thickly woven and won't allow water to be absorbed easily. So, you might even avoid water damage if it's spilled over the carpet. Just absorb it yourself with tissue paper.

Carpet protectors

If you get the chance ensure that you install a recommended carpet protector. It will save on your clean bill and will ensure that your property looks at its very best all the time. Of course you will need to use a good quality product that can give you practicality and durability at a reasonable cost.

Use damp towel for removing pet hair from your upholstery

If you have just got a new kitty or puppy and you do not have a special brush or rake for hair removal, you should use a small towel. Dampen it a bit in lukewarm water and wipe the upholstery clean. Our experts in West Hollywood recommend that you make brushing strokes rather than using circular motions for getting the best result.

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Tips | Carpet Cleaning West Hollywood, CA